Friday, Oct 31, 2014 10:19 AM
Tree Shed Location
The Brule-Buffalo Conservation District was organized on March 28,1938
The two counties total 825,600 acres. With the Missouri River bordering
on the west of both counties.
As a Conservation district it is our responsibility to inform, educate, and
encourage preservation of all our natural resources.
We serve the residents and owners of the land that reside in Brule & Buffalo Counties.
District Board
Randy Knippling, Chairman Ryan Urban, Vice-Chairman
LeRoy Ness, Jr. Treasurer Larry Wagner, Secretary
Jack Freidel, advisor Tate Glaus,Supervisor
Abbey Randall, Supervisor
James Lindley, advisor
Site Developed and Maintained by Brule-Buffalo Conservation District
An Equal Opportunity Employer and Provider.